Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Hi, there.

Y'all might recognize me from the blog, The Life of an Army Band Girlfriend. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, at least for now, that blog has been suspended indefinitely.

However, my short foray into the blogosphere has taught me something: I absolutely love blogging. I'm not going to give it up just because one of my blogs happens to have crashed and burned. (At least for now.)

If you don't know me, my name is Lauren. I'm a former military brat who's now making her way into college, hoping to become an English major one day (with a minor in Creative Writing) and teach at a high-school level. I'll be a sophomore in the fall. I love cats, books, and writing.

It's going to take a while to get this blog up to the standards of my old one, but I hope y'all will bear with me as I work on it. I have so many unpublished posts from my other blog that I would love to use here, and since they're not at all related to the military, I suppose that I'd rather have them published here than see them wither into the nether that is now the UNPUBLISHED POSTS section of LoaABGF.

Sorry, rambling.

Anyway. You're probably wondering about the title of this blog. "Not in Nottingham?" you ask. "What's that about?" ...Well, have you ever seen the Disney version of Robin Hood, with the animals?

Sometimes ups outnumber the downs...but not in Nottingham.

And at the moment, my life is a Nottingham. I'm hoping to power through that and come out even stronger than before.

Thank you for continuing this journey with me. I owe everyone here so much.


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