Monday, July 1, 2013

July Resolutions

Last month's resolutions turned out much better than expected, and I'm so grateful for that. May's resolutions didn't go so well, but I was able to make up some ground in June.

Now, what's left for July?

Put $300 into Savings

This may be a bit of a difficult challenge, considering that I'd previously been saving close to $50 a week for the past month and a half. (Before that, it was all but $20 of my paycheck, due to the fact that I had something to save for...but then it vanished violently.) So this month, I'm going to force myself to save $300. It shouldn't be too hard, I don't think! That's only $75 a week. Considering my paychecks seem to be around $120 - $150 every week... Easy!

Keep My Room Clean

"But wait," you ask, "didn't you clean your room last month?" Yes, yes I did. The challenge for this month is to KEEP it clean. I'm not so good at keeping things organized, so I'm hoping to be able to do so this month! 

Cleaning my closet is a part of this!

Read Four Books

Again, this is a very, very low number for me, but between work and other distractions, I've got to be able to find time to read for myself. I love reading, and I miss it. I used to be able to power through one book a day, when I was in high school. (I spent all my downtime in class reading.) I haven't read nearly as much since I started college, and it sucks. We're starting low again.


I've been meaning to do this for MONTHS now, ever since Freshman Year ended, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm always too tired at the end of my working day, or it's always too hot outside. Well, I have shorts now, and I'm going to go out and walk, even if it kills me. It's going to have to be late at night, but maybe walking will clear out my head some. (I'm still having nightmares about Charlie. Nightmares, daymares, things that drive me to my knees in agony. But will walking around a neighborhood that we used to walk around REALLY help me?)

I've gained nearly six pounds since coming home from college. I guess it's all the laziness combined with actual food, but I need to keep it off. I can't afford to gain weight, because it all goes straight to my middle. (Plus, I have high cholesterol.) My Kinesiology/Health teacher last semester told us that the middle/belly was the worst place for females to have extra weight. It could cause serious health issues.


Again, a no-brainer. If I'm going to finish this novel before I graduate college, I've got to keep writing. I've got a start, now I've got to finish this. (Actually, I already have the end sorta written. It'll probably change by the time I really get there, but for now, I've got an idea, and I'm sticking to it.) My starting word count is 23,252. (Maybe I can participate in July's NaNo writing thing? Jenn told me about it.

I also want to write a few more short stories! :) I miss writing one-shots. I'm also itching to do a sequel to my Coffee story. 


You see, once upon a time, I used to be really good at graphic design and coding. THIS page shows my coding skills AND my graphic skills. I made the layout as well as all the graphics on it. THIS page shows my graphic skills (it was a premade layout, but I made all the graphics across the site). I want to get my graphic program (GIMP, if you want to know) back up and running. I would like to create fancy banners and whatnot for some of my blog posts, especially the Monthly Resolutions posts. I miss it. I'm going to have to transfer brushes and fonts over from my other computer, but I'm hoping I can do it! My goal is to have graphics completed for at least my Resolution posts, through September's. (Maybe I can do it?) I would also like to have a main image, instead of just text, up at the top of my blog. I wonder if I still remember how to do this...

Well! This should be an exciting month, don't you think? I do hope I'm able to compete every goal this month, just like last month!

Who's ready to do this with me? :) Linking up with Kelli at She Learns as She Goes!

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