Sunday, October 13, 2013

One Month Later...

It's been a month since Jake died. 

...It's hard even writing those words. 




It still doesn't feel real. It's like at any moment, he'll walk into the youth room, throw his little (though not by much) brother around, and make everybody laugh.

My last real interaction with him was the day before my birthday. My youth group went bowling at the place he worked at, because he could get us a special deal. He had a lot of fun bowling with us, I think. (I drove Hunter to and from the bowling alley.) 

I can't remember the last time I actually talked to him, though. Is it bad for me to be saying that? I have no idea when I last talked to him. Was it the Mississippi Mission Trip? (I sincerely hope not.) 

When did I last talk to him? What did we talk about? Why can't I remember anything?

It doesn't seem real. I think I'm still in the shock phase, but I'm not sure. I'm not sure of anything any more. It's been a month; shouldn't this have gone away by now? (Then again, I am still immensely depressed from something that happened back in May.)


Anyways. I went and saw Hunter today. He had another friend over, Cody, and that guy was pretty cool. They played Grand Theft Auto V while my sister & I watched. (Well, Sarah mostly played with Hunter's new puppy. It's adorable, and loves to bite and play. So excitable!)

He looked really well. He's down to mostly just painkillers now, and he's wearing pants. (Pants are good.) He was talking and laughing, and he has the new Pokémon game as well. (I went out and bought Y today, because I felt like I needed to have some incentive to get through the week.) We talked about how he was doing.

He still needs a walker, but he can hobble slowly about. He doesn't really need to be walking, though, until they get that bone fragment out of his hip. His feet are still really scratched up from the accident. (It's really strange; it's been a month...shouldn't it have healed better by now?)

All in all, he's doing really well. He even ate an entire large bowl of Spaghettio's & Meatballs while I was there. Just wolfed it down. I'm so excited he's eating.


Marina's doing...well. She's still in pain, but I don't know how she's managing it. I haven't been able to get many updates on her. And I think Bailey's doing well, too. It's hard keeping up with them.

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