We've all been there.
For some reason, though, this semester has been worse than others. Maybe it's the fact that January pretty much screwed up the rest of the semester (you know, when we had those snowstorms that closed the schools for a week?). Or maybe it was the ice storms in February. (Also, there's now a warning that tornados or other bad weather could possibly delay our final exams, which is terrifying to think of and also a little exciting, because we all want extra days to study. But having to stay in school for a little longer because of the weather? No thank you. I want OUT!)
I've given my final presentation in my COMS class (I got a 93% on it, which I'm rather proud of), and I've also given my paper presentation for my English class. That one didn't go off as well as I wish it would've, but I did manage to pull a 93% out of that one as well. I just have to knock the final paper out of the park and I should be home-free.
I'm really worried about my grades in four of my classes because I'm hovering right on the edge of an A. I have 89s in two of my classes and 88s in two more, but a solid 94 in my fifth class. (I'm not worried about my COMS class. I've already completed my final paper, which was a reflection paper that was the easiest thing I think I've ever done.)
So what do I have left to do in my sophomore year of college? I have a final paper due in English, a portfolio due in my Creative Writing class, a final exam in Chemistry, and a final exam in Spanish. Also, my COMS class is going out to eat at the Mexican restaurant in town on Monday, so I think that's going to be really interesting. It'll give us a time to talk about the class and maybe even get a look at the grades we got on our reflection papers. I hope I did mine right...
The paper for English is going to give me the most trouble, mostly because I haven't even started writing it yet. In fact, I'm up at midnight, blogging, when I should be sleeping because I have an early (and long) shift at TreeTop tomorrow. And it's gonna suck, because I'm going to be in café for the whole day. Well, from 9:30 - 5:30, which I guess is okay. Usually the opening shifts go until 6:30. I'm going to have to work on my portfolio when I get back, though. My English paper isn't due until Wednesday, but my portfolio's due Tuesday.
I'm really worried. The teacher doesn't seem to like me (my English teacher, that is). I certainly don't like her. I haven't learned anything in her class that I didn't already learn in ninth and tenth grade. This class was seriously a waste of time and money (that I could've spent working on my major and actually LEARNING things). Unfortunately, the class I took was English 300, which is REQUIRED in order for you to become an English major. I wish I could've found someone better to take this class with; maybe I would've actually enjoyed it! As is, I seriously considered opening a window and jumping to my death from the second floor of Comer. It was that bad.
Anyway, I'd better stop complaining and actually get some sleep, otherwise work is going to be absolute murder tomorrow. (Or today, really. It's past midnight, after all.)
For now, I'll leave you with a picture of my angry cat sitting on my Spanish textbook.
Goodnight, y'all!
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