Saturday, May 10, 2014

Free Comic Book Day

 I do apologize for the EXTREME lateness of this post (it's a whole week late), but I've just been so busy lately that I haven't had time to sit down and just work on my blog. I'm going to have to remedy that this summer, and get a nice stack of draft posts built up so that I have something to publish when the going gets rough during my JUNIOR year of college. 

Anyway -- FREE COMIC BOOKS! I'd never been into comic books before I started dating my current boyfriend - I owned a few Scooby Doo ones, and I enjoyed reading Betty and Veronica, but I wasn't into the whole Marvel-vs-DC war thing. But when Matt mentioned our comic shop (Legion) was doing free comic book day, I jumped on the chance for an outing with him. My sister tagged along, too, and I really hope she had fun, despite Matt's incessant yammering.

We got there about 30 minutes early, just to be sure there would be comics when we got there. They didn't open until 11:00, and we got there around 10:30. You never know with Birmingham traffic and all if you'll make it to your destination on time. 

One of our friends from Montevallo, Miles, was there, so we had him to talk to while we waited for the doors to open. The owner's kid was also running around inside the store, pressing his nose to the glass and taunting everyone with the comics that we were waiting for.

Once 11:00 hit, the owner's wife stepped out and gave us a few simple rules: No being rude, only one of each comic per person, and show your comics to the cashier to check out. Easy enough. So we all filed inside, one-by-one, and went down the table, collecting the comics that we wanted to read. 

I got a huge stack of them, but I didn't get all of them. Next year, I'm going to pick up one of every comic, even if they don't interest me, because maybe someday they'll be worth something. I did get some cool ones, though, most notably a hardcover comic anthology called Mouse Guard. It seems to have been really popular - someone came in about half an hour after Legion opened asking if they had any more. (Sorry, buddy, but if you want the whole collection on Free Comic Book Day, you'd better get to the comic shop early!)

Next year, I'm going to ask my friend Hunter to come with me. I'm sure he'd have fun. I think he's been to Legion a few times, but he doesn't have a box there. I picked up a few comics just for him, like the Kaboom comic, the Megaman X/Sonic comic, and the Power Rangers comic. He didn't get to go this year because he was working, so I wanted to give him something special.

After we finished up at Legion, Matt, Sarah, and I went over to the Brookwood Mall and shopped a bit. I had some Hot Cash to use at Hot Topic, and Sarah got a record from Coconuts on our way out of the Summit. We had a great afternoon, and got back home by 3:00 that evening. 

Have you ever been to Free Comic Book Day? Are you going next year?


  1. That's really cool! I've only heard of it from a friend of a friend, but didn't know it could be that neat. :3 It looks like you picked up a lot of cool finds! I don't think I'd ever go, but for those who like comic books, I'm sure it's a treat. ;)

    Btw... changed my URL (LAST TIME PROMISE): I like this one. This is it. Byyyeeee!

    1. I wasn't really into comics until I started dating Matt, and he got me absolutely hooked! I guess it really depends on the store you go to, of course - a couple comic book stores only allowed three books per person, which I guess is reasonable considering that some of these stores are MEGA-LARGE. This is just a small family-owned store.

      Dangit, Kiera! Stop that!


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