Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Year's End


What. A. Year.

What an absolutely crazy, positively spectacular, definitive year.

I don't think I've had such a wonderful year since my senior year of high school. This is probably my top school year, ever. (I know, I know: my senior year was only two years ago. But it feels like so much longer ago.)

What made this year so much different from last year? What made this year be so rockin'?


I actually made friends this year, mostly through my roommate and me going out to different events, and it made this year a million times better. Last year, my roommate and I didn't go out to events, and I only went out at the very end of the year and met a couple people at a late-night Steak & Shake run because my (then-current) boyfriend was off in BCT and I didn't have anybody else to talk with. 

THIS YEAR.... This year was so different. I dragged my roommate places this year, and she introduced me to other people who had come into the Honors Program as a freshman, just like her. She was a freshman, and I was a sophomore, and most of the new friends that I made were freshmen. I guess that's just something I do easily - make friends with the younger people. My best (male) friend is a grade below me [you remember all my posts about Hunter, right?], after all.

I'm actually excited to go back to college this fall - and not the least bit because I'll be able to see my boyfriend nearly every day of the week. I miss my friends, and my roommate in particular, already. Sure, it's nice being in my own room, with my cats and my books, but I had a lot of fun running around campus and going to weird events with my new friends.

I managed to finish out the second semester on the Dean's List (I got President's List last semester), with a 3.6 GPA. Overall, with all four semesters combined, I'm sitting at a steady 3.8 GPA, which would qualify me for the President's List if they did an overall thing. I got two B's this semester, one in Spanish 202 and one in my English 300 class. The English professor hated me, and she's just not suited to be a teacher in general. She talked down to us, changed the grading scale at the last minute (AFTER finals!), and was just a terrible teacher in general. I learned nothing in that class that I didn't learn in my ninth grade English classes. I'll be trying my hardest never to get her again.

Now I'm ready to tackle the summer - gotta work a TON so that I'm able to afford all the things that I want for my dorm next year. Gonna be a long, hard summer, but hey - four months of earning spending money? If only I could get the hours I want now...

Anyways, see you tomorrow for my post about Free Comic Book Day! I know y'all are going to be looking forward to that! 

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