Monday, June 10, 2013

Happy Forty-Ninth Birthday, Daddy!

Today's my Dad's birthday!
This is an old picture - taken in May 2012. It's the only picture I really have of the two of us together, though.
He's turning forty-nine today. He spent twenty-three of those years in the US Military, three in the Marine Corps and twenty in the Army. He retired as a lieutenant colonel. Currently, he works for a chemical weapons disposal plant, but that job's running out soon. (Just checking: anybody out there who needs a logistics major for their company? I have one! And he's looking for a job! Can start as soon as August!!)

We may have our differences sometimes (well, probably more often than not, if we're being perfectly honest), but when things do work out for us, they work out well.

Disney World? He loves it. It's his absolute favorite place on the planet.

Traveling? He loves it. I love it, too. I would love to be able to travel the world again some day, and I hope that one day, that will be a reality. (Who knows, though?)

Mom's making lasagna for supper tonight, and I bought Dad this cool fighter jet at TreeTop. Well, technically, it's a glider. But it's a freaking sweet glider! Slim put together a few of them, and they fly extremely well. If nothing else, he can use it to terrorize the cat from the comfort of his easy chair.

Anyway, I'd better get downstairs and give him his present! :) Have a great day, y'all!

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