Saturday, June 15, 2013

Mid-June Resolution Check

Geez, is it June 15th already? Where's the time gone? I guess it's time for you guys to view my progress, and for me to really think about the progress that I've made!

Put $200 into Savings

Considering how much I've been working lately, I don't think it should come as a surprise that I've been able to put $50 per week into savings so far :) Hopefully, that'll continue as the month goes on!

Paycheck #1: $126.76. Saved: $50.00. [June 4]

Paycheck #2: $168.38. Saved: $50.00. [June 11]
Paycheck #3: $---.--. Saved: $---.--. [June 18]
Paycheck #4: $---.--. Saved: $---.--. [June 25]

Keep My Room Clean

Room Status: I have this annoyingly bad habit of stacking things RIGHT BESIDE MY BED. I like having everything near me, kinda like a dragon hoards its treasure. I may have to keep this little folding chair near my bed as a nightstand, because a normal nightstand won't fit there. Reeeer. It's still a mess, but it's a little less of a mess than when I started. I need to take a day or two this week to SORT THINGS OUT.

Bathroom Status: Surprisingly, my bathroom's the easier of the two to keep clean. As long as I put away my clothes that I stack on top of my organizer-thing, either on hangers or in my hamper, my bathroom looks rather tidy. Unfortunately, my bathroom's probably the farthest thing from tidy right now o.o Oops.

Clean Out My Closet & Dresser

Closet Status: How do I clean my room, you ask? I shove everything into my closet. Not. Cool.

Dresser Status: There are THREE DRAWERS full of JUNK in my dresser. THREE. Those are three drawers that I could be using to store CLOTHES. Looks like I'm going to need a VERY BIG garbage bag, and a strong will. (I'm a hoarder. I hoard stuff. I really really need to stop keeping every little ticket stub and sticker I come across, not to mention papers from...Tenth grade? Ugh. Let's get a bag and clean this thing out. 

Help Save Over $200 in Coupons

So far, this is what I've been able to tally up. The "Other" category includes BOGO deals, store reward card deals, and rebates (if any).

Week #1: Spent: $126.79 Coupons: $41.89 Other: $41.58 Total Saved: $83.47 [June 4]
Week #2: Spent: $68.87 Coupons: $7.90 Other: $54.16 Total: $63.41 [June 11]
Week #3: Coupons: Other: Total: [June 18]
Week #4: Coupons: Other: Total: [June 25]

Total Coupons:
Total Other:
Total Saved:


I've managed to write an extra 7,000 words this month!! I'm now up to 21,000 words in my story! (It helps that I get to write a ton while I'm working cafĂ© during the week. Plus, since I've started carrying notebook paper around in my purse, I'm able to write even more. Whenever the mood strikes me, pretty much!


So. While I've managed to keep on track with my coupons, writing, and savings account, the actual working part of this month hasn't happened yet. I only have fifteen days left in June to finish everything!! Looks like my off-days won't be spent writing and staring at the television any more... I've got to get that dresser cleaned OUT, because my clothes are starting to stack up everywhere. Here we go! Roll up your sleeves, add some elbow grease, and let's get this thing done!

How are y'all doing on your resolutions? Is there something huge that you haven't done yet, just like me? Let's talk about it!

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