Friday, June 14, 2013

What's Going On?

Hi, y'all!

I'd just like to let you know what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life. 

Well, okay, not that long. I would like to introduce you to the blog posts that I'll (hopefully) be updating weekly. 

Every Sunday, I'll be adding my "weekly freebie roundup" post, like I did on my old blog. I enjoyed sharing what I received with you guys, and it's fun keeping track of my freebies this way, too. :)

Every Tuesday, I'll be sharing a short story that I've least until I run out of them. (That might happen sooner than you think.) It'll be a way to get my writing into the world, while also hopefully garnering feedback on the stories as well.

Every Wednesday, I'll tell you all about what goes on at my work. There's sure to be some kind of interesting story pop up each week! (Case in point: 'MURICA CAN'T MATH.)

At the end of every month, I'll be adding a "Books I Read in..." post, detailing the books that I've read that month. (Simple, no?) It may be my thoughts on the books, it may be how I wish they would've ended, it may be random stuff about the book. Hopefully this will help you find a new book to read! (I love reading.)

At the beginning, middle, and end of every month, I'll be posting my "Monthly Resolutions," "Mid-Month Checkup," and "Month Report Card" posts. I'm going to start out with my end-of-May Report Card on this blog, carrying over from my resolutions on my old blog. From then on, though, my resolutions will be on this blog and this alone. I like talking with other people about my goals, and if I'm able to get them out in public, on the internet, maybe I'll be more inclined to actually finish them, eh?

Those are the only posts that I'm going to stick with for now. There may be a time in the future when I add a few more permanent weekly posts, but at this point in time, this is all I can absolutely commit to.

Don't worry, though! I'll still have random posts at least every other day, maybe more frequently. I'm not giving up the ghost yet! Blogging is a great way for me to relieve stress, and boy, do I have a lot of stress to relieve at the moment. I enjoyed telling everyone about my week (and about Charlie's week) on my old blog, but since I no longer have a reason to keep track of weeks, I guess I won't be doing that any more. (They just became extraordinarily long, rambling posts, anyways.) 

I hope everyone's as excited for this new blog as I am :) It's going to take a bit of effort to get it up to the standards of my old one, but I'm hoping it doesn't take very long to get off the ground!

Have a fantastic day!

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