So, to play catch-up, here's a quick rundown of how the previous five months went:

In September, Matt introduced me to Skyrim, and that's what I did with my life for the next few weeks. I'm an Imperial, and I decided to join the Stormcloaks, and I'm a vampire as well. I'm still not exactly sure what I'm DOING in the game, but I'm having fun.
September was also the month where I realized that taking all English classes was going to go very badly for me. And I learned that Philosophy is SO not my forté. I'm still trying to figure out how I passed the class, to be honest, because nothing that I "learned" in that class made any sense to me.
October was the month that meant the most to me. I QUIT TREETOP and am now working at Books-a-Million. Yay! I also went to two weddings, each very unique. I dressed up as Raven for Halloween, and I have no pictures ready-to-go on my phone for that experience. Sorry! My room didn't win the door prize contest, but we did get honorable mention. Matt & I celebrated our one-year on October 29.
In November, I got a cold that kicked my butt, and had to make my first 'adult' purchases. I bought Publix-brand DayQuil & NyQuil (generic stuff that's just as good, if not better, than the name-brand!), some tissues, and a cow-shaped thermometer. It's a kids' thermometer, but it was also cheaper than the regular thermometers by about $10. The cow was $5, the plain adult ones were $14.99. And since I'm all about not having boring things, I was super-excited about this.
November was my most stressful month, school-wise. I had projects and papers and deadlines like nobody's business. I'm still not sure how I did all of them on-time. Next semester, I'm not going to be NEARLY as lasseiz-faire about them!
Matt celebrated his 25th birthday on the 14th, and I got him a Killing Joke statue - which he flipped over.
And now we come to December, where I passed my classes with a 3.8 GPA still (two B's and three A's this semester - I'm hoping to get that to ALL A'S next semester).
I've been working about 24 hours every weekend, eight hours a day on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It's really wearing me out, but the paychecks are really nice. About $280 every two weeks. It means I had plenty of money to go Christmas shopping with.
Christmas was amazing -- we had more presents under the tree than ever before, mostly because of things I had bought my family. The present I enjoyed the most was the cross-stitch my sister made me; I'll have to put it up at some point!
Now that Christmas is over, I'm hoping this next semester is going to calm down a little so I can continue to blog - I miss it.
It's been an interesting few months, that's for sure! I still can't believe everything I accomplished in such a short amount of time - obviously, this list isn't comprehensive, or else I'd be here all night.
But as it is 1:30 a.m., on the last night of the year, I'm going to wrap this up and go ahead and publish it.
Happy New Year's Eve, everyone! (And happy birthday to my best friend, Hunter!)