The Others

So, obviously, I'm not going to be hanging around this blog all by myself. There are a few key players in it, and you're probably going to want to know their names/basic information about them so that you don't get lost when I start throwing in proper nouns! (Because that would be embarrassing!)

This is my boyfriend. He managed to pull me out of the black hole of despair that I was sinking in, and actually gave me my life back. He's supportive and caring, and knows that I'm a human being with actual real feelings (as opposed to my ex). He's a comic-book nerd and all-around geeky guy, and we fit in really well together.

Sarah R
This is my sister. She's a bit insane sometimes, and she can be pretty deep on occasion, but usually she's pretty chill. We fight over small things, but she's always there when I need her. And I want to always be here for her.

Sarah S
Also known as My Room Mate. She puts up with me 5/7 days of the week (I go home on weekends). She's a bit innocent, and sometimes I'm scared of breaking her if I make jokes, but all-in-all, she's learning about college life!

This is my Loki-obsessed friend. She lives at the end of the hall, and it's her room that we all end up in to watch Marvel's Agents of SHIELD each week. It's also our movie-watching room. None of us particularly like her boyfriend, because he seems a bit controlling and selfish/manipulative. 

This is Erin's roomie. She's an art major, and as such, she's usually complaining about lines or wires or something of the sort. She obsessed with Ron Swanson, and Parks & Recreation. She can quote everything from the show. Be aware.

This is my RA for the year. She's really, really cool (she actually started Pin Nights back in September, where we make a Pinterest craft and watch a Disney movie together as a Hall!) and she's awesome to talk to. I'm going to miss having her as an RA this year - she's certainly made a BIG difference in my social life this year!

And others will be introduced as I talk about them!

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