Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Happy Fifteenth Birthday, Sarah!

Today is my little sister's birthday. She's fifteen years old. It's terrifying to think that she's of legal age to be driving a car (WITH a licensed driver with her at all times, of course)! Much more terrifying is the fact that it's been almost four years since I've gotten my driver's permit. 

I feel so old.

Sarah was born in Kentucky, when we were living just off Fort Knox. Charlie's family now lives on that same street, nearly fourteen years later. They're on the other end of the street, though.

Isn't that crazy?

I don't remember much about Sarah being a baby, but I do remember her toddler years. She was quite prone to tantrums. Eventually everyone ignored her, and she stopped throwing them. (Good parenting? Bad parenting? "It'll do" parenting? o.o)

It's funny; whenever we go out, people either assume we're friends, or they assume she's the older sister. We look nothing alike, and she sometimes wears a lot of eye makeup, and that makes her look older. (Also, she's about half an inch taller than me...which is why I wear my ankle boots as much as humanly possible.)

This is the most recent picture Sarah & I took together.
The past few years, she hasn't really known what she wants for her birthday, and this year is no exception. However, she finally did decide that she'd like to go to the Galleria for a birthday shopping trip, along with one of her friends. We're also going out to Red Lobster for dinner tonight.

But one thing's for sure: If you ever mess with my little sister, and I don't care WHO you are or HOW big you are, I will find you, and I will kill you. That is a promise that I will keep, no matter the cost to me. So beware, evil-doers. I will have my vengeance. 

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