Thursday, December 19, 2013

End of First Semester, Sophomore Year

Well, last week was Final Exam week for me. I had two 8:00 a.m. exams! (And one of those was Spanish! The horror!) Wednesday, I had three exams! Back-to-back-to-back! It was horrible. At least it's all over with now.

And, even with my newfound friends and awesome social life, I MANAGED TO GET ALL A'S THIS SEMESTER, PROVING MY MOTHER WRONG. (She thought I needed to stop being social and doing fun things so that I wouldn't fail this semester. She was wrong!)

I really don't know how I pulled off an A in my Spanish and Psych classes. 

For Psych, the teacher NEVER posted any grades on Canvas (the online application that allows students to see their grades, teachers receive assignment submissions, etc.), so I had no clue what I had in there. I knew I had scored low A's on a couple tests, and a low B on another one, but with the extra-credit assignment, I had no idea what was going on. So when I found out that I had an A in the class as a final grade, I nearly did a somersault.

For Spanish, I'd been holding on to a high B since the middle of the semester, when I took my first test and got an 89% on it. (My second test? A 76%. It was mostly grammar, and I'm absolutely terrible at grammar.) Somehow I pulled off getting an 102/100 on my final exam, bringing my grade up to an A. I don't know how it happened, but I'm so, so happy.

So far this year, I haven't had a lot of fun in my classes. I've had Biology (I hate science), Psychology (ugh!), Introduction to Communications (double-ugh), Spanish 201 (rawr), and Introduction to Music Appreciation (sloooow). They've all been terrible, although I loved my Spanish teacher. He was really cool.

Next semester, I'll be taking Spanish 202 (I'm not looking forward to this), English 300 (the introduction to my major), Creative Writing (I hope this is all right...), Chemistry 100 (I hate science), and some sort of analyzing-old-speeches class (which I hope is entertaining, at least). I'm not taking any honors courses this semester, because they're not offering any related to my major OR my minor, and I don't want to pay for courses that won't help me towards either of those, especially considering that my parents are the ones paying for my college (and my father doesn't currently have a job). 

How did y'all do this semester? Better than you expected? Worse? What's the one thing you wish you could tell someone who's currently sitting where you were a few years ago? 

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