Thursday, July 11, 2013

Prayers, Please!!

Y'all, I need some serious prayers.

And they're not for me.

My family is friends with this family named the Hammonds. My father rides motorcycles with both of them. (He's a part of the Soldiers of the Cross Motorcycle Ministry.)

The husband's name is Randy, and the wife is Carolyn. 

Today, Mrs. Carolyn had some kind of precautionary surgery. She's had cancer, and this was supposed to help with the after-effects or something like that. I'm still not sure what the surgery was for.

Anyways, she had her surgery, and was in recovery. She asked for her medication, took it, and felt well afterwards.

Then her husband looked up not three minutes later, and her lips were blue. She flatlined then and there.

She was gone for five minutes before the doctors managed to bring her back.

She's now in the Critical Care Unit (CCU) at the hospital.

Since my dad is not only one of their good friends but also Mr. Randy's deacon, he jumped in his car and rushed to the hospital. He's still not back yet.

The hospital people don't know if she'll make it.

My mom's convinced that she will.

So, please pray for her. I know none of y'all know her, but she's an amazing woman. Just last week, I was at her Fourth of July party. She was laughing and carrying on and entertaining people. (You couldn't even tell she was wearing a wig.)

She's an amazing woman. Absolutely incredible. Her daughter just got married. She needs to live to see her grandchildren.

So pray. You don't know these people, but they'll appreciate it.

Thank you so much.

1 comment:

  1. You have my prayers! ): I really hope everything works out!


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