Monday, July 29, 2013


I really have been stressed out lately. Want to know why?
  1. I'm being scheduled for fewer hours at TreeTop - and, with me being a broke college student, this is a serious problem. I'm not going to be able to work very much during the school year, so I need to make up for that now. And how can I do that if I'm not being scheduled?
  2. School. My sophomore year is fast approaching, and I'm seriously not ready. I'm not ready at all. I'm absolutely freaking terrified, to tell you the truth.
  3. My room mate - and how we're going to get along. She's a freshman this year, and neither of us have met the other. We've talked two times on the phone, and we've been texting pictures to each other and whatnot (mostly, "Does this match?" and "What else do I need to get?"), but that's no substitute for actually meeting and living with her.
  4. I've reopened my review site on Neopets - and it seems like I've been getting non-stop requests! I'm not complaining - I love reviewing, but sometimes I get so into it that I forget to sleep. It's not uncommon for me to go to bed at 2 or 3 in the morning.
  5. Charlie's still stressing me out. I can't get it through my head that he's somehow stopped loving me - not with the things he used to tell me still running around my head. It's not fair. And it may drive me over the edge one day.
  6. I haven't been sleeping much. A lot of that's my own fault, because I force myself to stay up as late as possible so I'm absolutely past the point of exhaustion. That's the only way that I don't dream. And I don't like to dream any more. All I ever dream about is Charlie.
So, how do I deal with all this stress?

I hope you're ready for this - I'm about to start another list. And this one may get a bit rambly. (Oh, gosh; I hope it doesn't. I've already rambled enough, honestly.)

Let's talk about the ways that I've been trying to relax:
  1. Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It's awesome, and it's like living my own little, happy life. (My life at the moment is not so happy. Some days I want to just scream and throw everything everywhere, but that would be inappropriate and I would end up in a mental ward. Honest.) I may be a bit too obsessed with it, but I don't care. It makes me happy, and being happy is a rare thing nowadays.
  2. Music. I've started listening to music again. I've been really avoiding it for the past few months, because everything on my iPod reminded me of Charlie. Last month, I decided it was time for me to get some new music. I downloaded Pandora (awesome app, by the way; it's even got its own website!) and set up some radio stations. (By the way; Celtic Music Station? BAD IDEA, YO. Memories...) I also started browsing the Free Albums section on Amazon, and I've found some amazing things on there. The Saddle Creek Summer 2012 Sampler is probably the best thing ever.
  3. Foot soakings. I bought myself a tub of bath salts the other day, after experiencing my first bath in nearly six years. (I had bought a little packet of bath salts from Earthbound a few weeks prior, and had just then gotten around to using them.) Man, it was like heaven. So I decided I needed more. On my next trip to Publix with my mother, I found a tub of bath salts that had a coupon attached. Of course, I bought it immediately. (If it hadn't had the coupon, I would've probably bought this brown sugar body scrub. Heck, I still might go back and get that body scrub! I've got a job - I can totes buy that!) But anyways... I've been standing on my feet a lot lately in TreeTop, so I've been using my bath salts to soak my feet in. And man, is it like heaven. Although I'm sad that the water warmth doesn't last as long as I wish it would. Sad face.
  4. Reading. I've actually gotten to sit down and read this month, and it's been absolutely fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. I've missed reading so, so much.
  5. Writing. I'm still working on my novel (the sequel's on hold, for now, although I may have had an idea for the ending... Woo!), and it's going rather well. Of course, I'm writing most of it on receipt paper, because I'm usually in café when I get time to write...But who cares? I honestly can't wait to get this thing finished, because then I get to hand it over to my friend Kellie so she can edit it. I hope she likes it. (Y'all will buy a copy, right?)
  6. Shopping. Okay, so this is a bad one. I'm stressing myself out at TreeTop because I don't have enough hours, and then I go shopping? But please, let me explain. Sometimes shopping isn't all that bad. Sometimes shopping is a great way to release your emotions. (And hey...that sexy piece of lingerie I got at Victoria's Secret? It was absolutely free. I may not have a chance to use it again for a long, long time...but whatevs. Just wearing it, even though nobody can see it, makes me feel prettier. I can't explain it. But who cares?)
I wrote this while I was soaking my feet again (I mean, it was a long, rough day at café, let me tell you, even though I didn't close), and now the water's getting cold and it's not pleasant. Sigh. I wish the water would stay warmer for a lot longer. It would make everything so much better.


How do y'all unwind at the end of a long day? How do you de-stress yourself? Do you have any tips for me? What's stressing you out at the moment? (Want to talk? I'm here.)

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