Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sophomore Year: Move-In Day

Ouch. *stretches* I'd forgotten how ridiculously uncomfortable these chairs were ;-; Pardon me while I move to my bed.


Okay. We're good.

So. I'm all moved back in to my dorm room. Room 406. Top floor, beside the stairs.

I've seen my room mate for mayyybe thirty minutes, tops. She's had all of these "Freshmen Orientation" things to go to throughout the day. I swear, they're running these poor babies like dogs.

I'm beginning to wonder when my meal plan kicks in. Do I go today? Does it not start until tomorrow? Or Monday? Do I need to fend for myself until then, or what do I need to do? I'm pretty sure it'll start tomorrow, seeing as tomorrow is Sunday, but who knows?

Anyways. I got up at 7:00 this morning, and we were on the road by 8:30. We arrived at Montevallo at 9:10, and it took me a few minutes to get my room key and stuff. Then we started the long trek from the parking lot with all of my college stuff. The fridge and the two heaviest boxes (from the truck) were some of the first things we brought up. (It took two trips to empty the truck.) After we got the truck empty, we straightened some things up in the room. We unpacked the fridge and got it all set up and whatnot. (Sarah still hasn't gotten the fridge sticker, though. So hopefully she'll be able to do that either later today or tomorrow. Before Monday, for sure.)

After getting the fridge up and running, we went down to the car to get more stuff. It took us two trips to get everything from the car: One trip for the trunk stuff, and one trip for the backseat stuff. (I was sure it was going to take three, but somehow we managed to get everything in two. Woo!)

After getting back upstairs, Mom helped me hang the curtains (they actually match REALLY well) and make up my bed. I realized I'd forgotten all of my decorative things to put on my little bulletin boards. Dad hung up my whiteboard calendar, and I started arranging my books and stuff on my desk.

 This is my side of the room. Well, we're looking at my side of the room. My bed's in the solid blue blanket. Blank bulletin boards (because all the pictures I have from last year are of Charlie...and I can't exactly put those up, can I?). Pretty curtains (which match better than we thought they would). Desk. Backpack. Fridge in the bottom left corner.

And my desk. My books on the shelf, my clock, my little TARDIS papercraft. Laptop, printer, fan, lamp, etc.

It only took us about an hour and a half to get everything moved in and set up.

This whole time, Sarah was nowhere around, because of that freshman orientation thing. So I was able to take my time, get everything set up, and even snoop a little. (She has like twenty pairs of shoes. LIKE WHAT. TWENTY?!) Everything's arranged how I like it. No idea how long everything's going to stay neat, but for now, it's good.

Sarah came in around twelvish, and we started talking about what orientation was like, then I got her started about books and stuff, and then she had to run off on another orientation thing.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do tonight. Well, I know what I'm going to be doing at 7:00, but I don't know what I'll do until then. I may run out to Zaxby's at Alabaster around 5ish and get myself some food. Then I'll come back and hang. (Sarah's going to the Progressive Dinner with the BCM, like I did last year.) At 7:00, I'm going to a magic show, then at 8:30, the band "88 Keys & the Truth" is playing. They were here last year, and they were REALLY good. Plus, they're an AIM event, so that's even better. (I'll have to get myself a card before going to see the illusionist. MENTAL NOTE.)



It's going to be a boring afternoon for me. I'll probably look up my classes and check out the books and stuff. We'll see what happens. I'll be back on Monday with more about my sophomore year, this time reporting on my classes.

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