Friday, August 2, 2013

Packing for College: Your Desk

So, your room's going to have a desk in it, right? I'm assuming it's going to, at least, because EVERY COLLEGE STUDENT NEEDS A DESK. Heck, if I'd had a desk in high school, I might've actually gotten some work done! (I kid; I ended up as Valedictorian.)

Anyways, here's the deal: Your desk is your territory

If you keep your desk nice and neat, then you'll be able to find things (while possibly going into some kind of over-extended seizure or whatnot from the OCDness). 

If you keep your desk messy, you won't ever use it as a desk - it'll become the place to pile all your crap until it overflows and you decide you need to clean it up.

If you keep your desk in use, then you're going to get the most out of it. I'm serious. If you use your desk every time you have to study or do homework (instead of curling up on the futon or on your bed), then you're going to have some great study habits, and you may even keep your desk organized at the same time!

Let's go over what you need for your desk:

1. A desk lamp.
This is pretty much a no-brainer. The lighting in most dorm rooms absolutely sucks, so bringing a little desk lamp will certainly help! If you're straining your eyes, then you're going to get a headache, and then you're not going to want to study. 

My desk lamp has a little organizer-thingy on the base. I put my paperclips, pushpins, and pens there so that they're always handy.

2. Post-It Notes
These things are pretty much lifesavers. Think of something on the spot and need to write it down? Jot it on a post-it and stick it to the wall above your desk! There's no way you can forget this now!

3. Pens & Pencils
Again, another no-brainer. I like to keep several types of pens on my desk. I have gel-pens and I have ballpoint pens. I have the pens that I got for free (the school events and the SGA all give out pens!), I have the pens that I actually bought, and I have the pens that I found in the hallway.

If you're careful, you should never have to buy a pen while you're in college.

Pencils are another story. You're going to need pencils to take all your tests (it's up to you whether you want to write your essays in ink, or if you want to take notes in ink; I use pencils for everything but my essays and turn-in assignments), because most tests are on scantrons nowadays. None of these aforementioned events give out pencils. (It's stupid.) Bring your own pencils! Mechanical, non-mechanical, it doesn't matter! I like using PaperMate Mechanical Pencils (the big ones with the twist-up eraser) because it's easy to get the lead in and out, and you don't have to worry about running out of eraser. Plus, I can mix and match the colors!

4. Some Kind of Organizer
I have this little set of drawers that I got from Wal-Mart. I put my pencils/pens in the bottom drawer, my post-its and erasers in the second, and various odds and ends (such as tape and extra staples) in the top drawer. 

It allows me to keep everything on my desk while keeping it all tidy at the same time. Makes sense, right?

5. A Wireless Printer
I have an amazing printer. It's wireless, and it's got HP ePrint capabilities. That means I can also print things from my Android phone and iPad. (It's all in the available app.) It's an amazing quality, and we got it on sale from Best Buy for only $50. (It's normally $120.)

Plus, it works with both Macs & PCs. (LIFESAVER.)

6. Extra Power Cords
You're going to want at least two surge protectors. Most dorm rooms don't have very many outlets. (Mine only has three - one beneath my desk, one beneath my roomie's desk, and one beside the bathroom door.) 

Plus, if you ever go home, you're going to want duplicates of most of the power cords you use on a daily basis. Extra computer charger, extra phone cord, etc. I recently went out and bought another cord for my computer -- and since I have a Mac, that's $87 I spent (after tax) to make things easier on myself.

7. A Little Fan
I got a fan at Wal-Mart for about $5. It's small and purple, and it fits neatly on my desk. I can't sleep at night without a fan, so this is the absolutely perfect size! Plus, it helps keep my bed a little cooler at night. (Sometimes it gets hot at night, especially if the AC isn't working too well.)


I'm sure there are a TON of other things that you think would fit perfectly on your desk, but make sure that you know the dimensions of your desk so that you're not trying to cram a ton of stuff onto a little bitty space. 

What other things would you recommend for desks? Do you have any questions about what I've listed? Talk to me in the comments!

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