Monday, August 12, 2013

It's My Nineteenth Birthday!

And it was one of the most miserable days I've ever experienced.

Okay, okay. So it wasn't all that bad, all things considered. (There was one thing that was/is completely my fault, because I allow myself to think and remember.)

My mom yelled at me to get up at 9:21. (I had my alarm set for 9:30.) 

I took a shower, got dressed, and went downstairs for breakfast. The muffins looked a little weird, so I asked Mom what happened. She just snapped at me and said that she'd used the wrong bag and had had to add a second bag to the muffins. I didn't mean to make her snap.

I finished breakfast, dried my hair, did my makeup, and my sister and I set out for the Brookwood Mall.

We went to Earthbound first, and spent about forty minutes in there, just looking at everything. If you've never been to an Earthbound store, you're missing out. You need to find one and go to it immediately. (You're welcome.)

I bought two necklaces - one zodiac gemstone one (it's a tiger's eye, for Leo, my zodiac sign) and one white claw-looking one that's a gemstone, too. 

Then we headed over to Hot Topic. I had a $5 off a $30 purchase coupon, so I was feeling good. I picked out a Loki shirt, two pairs of earrings, and a Catwoman keychain. I debated over a Doctor Who belt, several Doctor Who shirts, and a couple of Doctor Who buttons, but in the end, I stayed within my budget. (I still spent $39.) I couldn't use my coupon because, even though it's not in the fine print, you can't use it on the promotional "buy one, get one 50% off" items. WHICH IS EVERYTHING IN THE STORE. SO THAT BIRTHDAY COUPON WAS USELESS. UGH.

We then went to the food court and had Charley's Subs for lunch. (The sample guy caught us on the way to the bathroom, and we liked what we tried so much that we bought it.) I put my Weeping Angel earrings in my ears (I had my sister take a picture), and then I went and got my free Pretzel Bites from Pretzelmaker. They give out birthday coupons!

 This is the shirt that I got from Hot Topic! It says "Mischief" in the lower-right corner, but you can't really see it in this picture (bad lighting).

 My Weeping Angel earrings! Aren't they just awesome?

 My TARDIS earrings! I'm seriously contemplating getting a second piercing so I can wear both the TARDIS and the Angels at the same time! How cool would that be?

 My Catwoman keychain! It's so adorable!

 The Tiger Eye necklace.

 The other necklace!

What's left of our pretzel bites after we got into the car! (That's my sister taking the picture, y'all. I was driving! :3)

After that, we went to TreeTop. I wanted to play a game of Laser Tag and see my friend Thomas. He was working Laser Tag, but Tom sent him home early so he got to play with Sarah and me (along with Alan, my other friend).

We were gonna play Go Karts, but they got rained out :/ Unfortunate. (But hey - I have free GoKart rides whenever I want, so it's not that bad.)

Got home, took Sarah to band camp, and then I sat down and played Animal Crossing: New Leaf for a bit. (The birthday stuff on there is great!)

We had ravioli for supper (yummm) and then we had cake. 

Mom and Dad fought over how Mom was lighting the candles, though, so that was upsetting... I'm not smiling quite as big in these pictures as I was in the ones last year.

And throughout the cake part, I was miserable, because I kept remembering last year, and how happy it was with Charlie by my side (as well as the amazing kiss he gave me under the meteor shower on the bridge outside afterwards).

Then Mom told me that, since I had asked for the cowgirl boots for my birthday, she would no longer be giving me the present that she had bought me "some months earlier," like she'd told me a few weeks ago. (She later took this statement back, and told me that she'd give me this present with my boots, if they arrive tomorrow.)

Dad didn't get me anything, although later he did go into his room and come out with a calligraphy set that he had taken from my great aunt's house when we cleaned it out a few months ago. (I guess that'll be fun?) Last year he gave me a necklace...and the charm's turned on it.

Mom & I went to pick up Sarah later, and Sarah was extremely late coming out, so Mom got ticked at her and they yelled all the way back.

Plus, my period started like five days early, so I've been PMS-y all week and especially bad today. 

I guess the day itself's been all right. It's been intermittent showers and whatnot. I did see the end of a rainbow in our cul-de-sac; no pots of gold, unfortunately. 

Now I've just got to stop thinking about Charlie, and about how last year was going at this time. (Let's just say that it was an amazing night, and I will never, ever forget it.)

Have a great day, y'all.

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