Thursday, August 1, 2013

August Resolutions

Again, we're linking up with Kelli over at She Learns As She Goes to bring you our monthly resolutions!

Put $300 in Savings

I'm only saying $300 this month because I only have four weeks to get a paycheck this month, plus I'm going to be going to college and having to buy textbooks and whatnot later on this month. If I'm able to save $75 a week, that'd be fantastic. If not...Well, I hope to at least get pretty close!

Get All My College Stuff Organized

This may or may not be a hard one. At the moment, all my college stuff is sitting in the office. At some point this month, though, I'm going to have to go through all of it and see what I'll be taking to college and what I'll be leaving behind. Otherwise, it's just going to sit there, and by the time move-in day comes around, I'm going to be running around like a psychopath of some sort, attempting to figure out where everything is. 

I also need to figure out what clothes I'm going to take with me, as well as what books I'm going to take. I'm not sure how much time I'm going to have to read, but taking The Complete Sherlock Holmes and Gone With the Wind just seems like a good idea.

Go Through My Clothes

I probably have a lot of things in my closet that I can't wear any more. I need to go through them and pull out the things that I either don't wear or can't wear, and put them in the office so mom can put them in a sack to be donated. I have a TON of t-shirts, and I'm sure I could go about three months without wearing the same one twice. I don't have a lot of pants, however, so maybe it balances out? Maybe? I'm not quite sure.

I do have to make sure that I do this this month, though, because I'm not going to have time once college starts. Once August 26th rolls around, my weekends are going to be filled with work and studying.

Finish 1+ Seasons of Doctor Who

It's been a while since I've watched Doctor Who. I stopped watching it after "Doomsday," because I literally couldn't handle the feels. That was back in March. (Bad idea, actually.) I'm itching to get back into it, and I want to be able to finish the seasons on Netflix before the next season comes out - I mean, the 50th Anniversary program in November. BECAUSE SERIOUSLY. DOCTOR WHO. AND DAVID TENNANT'S COMING BACK.

I even made my own little TARDIS!
You can find the printable version of this here. I printed mine out on cardstock so it would be stiffer and wouldn't collapse as easy. It's a bit difficult to get the light on the top (my dad had to do it), so I would recommend having an X-ACTO knife handy. Or some kind of little blade to do the slits. (It's a bit difficult.)

Read Four Books

I was able to blow this out of the water last month (well, actually, I at least doubled it...), so hopefully I'm able to do the same this month! I have the rest of the Septimus Heap series on my reading list, along with The Enchantress, The Complete Sherlock Holmes, and Gone With the Wind. Not too sure if I'll be able to finish the last two...


What are your resolutions for this month? Have any tips for mine? (Do you think I went a bit easy this month?)

Have a great month, y'all, and I can't wait to see what your resolutions are!

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