Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I Cannot be Replaced Because...

A lot of you may have seen the link to The Bloggess in my sidebar. I love reading her posts, because they're always funny. (Normally, I'm crying with laughter by the end.)

Sometimes, though, her posts are serious. Like yesterday's, Something about September. She talked about how September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and she linked to the To Write Love on her Arms site.

TWLOHA's mission is to prevent suicide. They want to let you know that you are loved.

So they've come up with a way to get that message across:

If any of you are struggling with this right now, I want you to take a look at this page. It's blank, at the moment, but you're supposed to fill it out with reasons that YOU, personally, cannot be replaced.

Here's mine, so far:
  • I haven't finished my books yet, and I told my fourth grade teacher that I would send him a copy.
  • It would let him know that I gave up, and he would win. He can't win.
  • Nobody can communicate in movie quotes like I can.
  • Nobody can tell my story.
  • There are still so many things that I want to do in this life, and if my life ends, then they will forever be unaccomplished. (Who knows? Maybe I'll find the cure for cancer.)
I'm not good at this, but I just want everyone out there to know that you are not alone. It will always get better. Suicide is a permanent solution to an otherwise temporary problem (even if it doesn't seem like it at the time). Please, please talk to someone (there are outlines out there, or find an adult/friend that you trust). 

You don't have to do this alone.
You never have to be alone.

If you need help, here's a suicide hotline. You don't have to be at the end of your rope before calling; they'll help when you are alone and when you are having anxiety attacks, too. (That's a little-known thing that I found out in the comments the other day, from a lady who travels a lot and uses them.)

If you think one of your friends needs help, try one of these social media help lines. It tells you how to report their statuses/tweets/whatever and get them help, which is useful if y'all don't live anywhere near each other.

Here's the Canadian Mental Health Association, and the Befrienders Worldwide website.

Remember, you are not alone.

If you really need someone to talk to, talk to me! You can email me at laurenmroland@gmail.com, connect with me on Twitter, or find me on DeviantArt. I'm not sure if there are any other ways to contact me, but those three are the top.

Please, don't ever give up without talking to someone.

You are worth it. 

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