Sunday, June 30, 2013

June Report Card

WOW -- what a month this has been! Heartbreak, sabotage, long working hours, reading, cleaning... I don't even know where to start! Let's do a quick run-down of my resolutions, and how I ended up :) I think this month went really, really well! (Linking up with Kelli at She Learns as She Goes!)

Put $200 into Savings

I've been working A LOT lately! I worked a 27 hour week [June 4], a 29 hour week [June 11], a 24 hour week [June 18], and another 27 hour week [June 25]. It has been a piece of cake to put away $50 a week towards my savings account. Maybe next month, depending on how things are going, I can start putting $75 a week into savings!! (That would really boost my savings account!!)

Paycheck #1: $126.76. Saved: $50.00. [June 4]

Paycheck #2: $168.38. Saved: $50.00. [June 11]
Paycheck #3: $145.89. Saved: $50.00. [June 18]
Paycheck #4: $159.87. Saved: $75.00. [June 25]

Total Earned: $600.90 Total Saved: $225.00.
So, I finished the resolution, but I only saved about 1/4 of what I made. (Although I didn't spend that much; most of it's still sitting in my piggy bank. ... I should probably round up all my loose change and deposit it. Sigh.)

Grade: A+

Keep My Room Clean

Room Status: MY ROOM IS CLEAN. I mean, it's really clean. I even wrote a whole blog post on this a few days ago, remember? And so far, I've been able to KEEP my room clean, which is an amazing feat in and of itself. I'm not a very organized person, although  I really do try. I have all these ideas for organization, and I attempt to keep everything in its proper place, but it really takes a ton of effort, and some days I'm just so worn out from working at TreeTop that I have no patience for this.

Bathroom Status: Surprisingly, my bathroom's the easier of the two to keep clean. As long as I put away my clothes that I stack on top of my organizer-thing, either on hangers or in my hamper, my bathroom looks rather tidy. I've even managed to KEEP it tidy, even though my cat's doing her best to wreck it. (She likes to chase her brother through the bathroom, and they LOVE trying to get under the sink and explore. Not that there's anything to EXPLORE under there!)

Grade: A+

Clean Out My Closet & Dresser

Closet Status: How do I clean my room, you ask? I shove everything into my closet. Not. Cool. When I cleaned my room, I actually PUT STUFF AWAY. I threw out three gigantic bags of trash. Now, the only thing left to do is CLEAN MY CLOSET. I didn't get around to doing this THIS month, but it'll certainly be one of the things to tackle next month!

Dresser Status: When I cleaned out my room the other day, I also cleaned out three of the drawers in my dresser. Two were crammed full of junk, while the third just had a box of old diaries in it. (I had to shove those in the top of my closet.) I managed to get EVERYTHING clean, though, and now there's only one drawer of junk in my dresser. (If I wanted to, I suppose I could clean out that drawer, too, but I don't have anything to put in it. I want to leave it as a junk drawer for now.)

Grade: C+

Help Save Over $200 in Coupons

So far, this is what I've been able to tally up. The "Other" category includes BOGO deals, store reward card deals, and rebates (if any).

You'll notice that the first week has over a hundred dollars spent. That's not an outlier; normally we spend upwards of $200 per week at these stores. Thankfully, since we've gotten so many good deals lately, we have a lot of things stored up (you could call it "hoarded," if you wanted to be vulgar; my mother calls it "stockpiled"), so we don't have to buy anything but things like fruit and vegetables and meat. We have cereal coming out our ears, and ice cream by the truckload. So it's nice not having to spend a ton of money each week. And we still manage to save about as much as we spend!

Week #1: Spent: $126.79 Coupons: $41.89 Other: $41.58 Total Saved: $83.47 [June 4]
Week #2: Spent: $68.87 Coupons: $7.90 Other: $54.16 Total: $63.41 [June 11]
Week #3: Spent: $41.83 Coupons: $4.34 Other: $29.84 Total: $34.18 [June 18]
Week #4: Spent: $52.12 Coupons: $67.67 Other: $45.70 Total: $113.37 [June 25]

**The June 25th Totals are ONLY for our CVS run. The Publix receipt has gone missing. I do apologize for this. (We didn't go to Winn-Dixie that week.) PLUS, Since this was a CVS-run, we got $15 BACK. So, essentially, we got over $80 worth of stuff at CVS for a measly $6.57. How awesome is THAT?! (The total before he started taking off coupons and stuff was around $81.)

Total Coupons: $121.80
Total Other: $172.63
Total Saved: $294.43
Total Spent: $289.61

Grade: A+

I'm counting this as an "A+" because I DID save over $200. I saved an amazing amount of that in coupons, too. It counts. And I feel ACCOMPLISHED. We saved MORE than we spent in June! (Just counting Publix, Winn-Dixie, and CVS, because we don't use coupons at Wal-Mart.) How awesome is that?!


I've really started working on my novel recently, which is FANTASTIC. My friend Kellie published hers (remember?), so now I've got to get mine out. She's going to proofread it for me, like I did for her, so I've got to find some place to print it out. I've gotten the introduction completed (it only took about forty pages for that), so now the real action can begin. And let me tell you, I'm excited. I'm so excited. Y'all will ALL buy a copy when I've published it, right? (Kindle version, print version, whatever?) I would seriously appreciate it.

I'm now up to 46 pages and 23,252 words. Hard to believe I was stuttering around 10,000 words just last month! (I'd been stuck at that point for months!!) Now, though, I might've hit another roadblock. We're going to see how far I can get next month! :)

Grade: A+


I think I did really well on this month's resolutions! :) It's certainly better than last month's, to be certain!! The only thing that dragged me down was the fact that I never got around to cleaning out my closet (boo!). I'm excited that I was able to improve so much this month, and do things that I've been putting off for ages.

Who's ready for next month? How'd you do this month? :)

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