Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cleaning, Part One - My Room

If y'all can remember all the way back to the beginning of the month (or maybe just to the middle), you'll recall that one of my resolutions for this month was to clean up my room and my closet.

I was off work today, and my mother was going to have my sister and me clean the downstairs, because, apparently, it's filthy. (I can't tell. Then again, maybe we're just so used to the filth by now...) Anyway, I said, "I was going to clean my room," so she decided that we'd clean the upstairs today. (We cleaned the basement on Monday, my only other off-day this week.) We cleaned the office first, as a group effort, then Sarah and I went to our respective rooms and started cleaning.

I had no idea where to start.
Yeah, it's an absolute disaster. Thankfully, you can't see my bathroom from here.
I decided to start by cleaning out one of my dresser drawers so that I could fit some more clothes into the dresser itself. My dresser has seven drawers, but I've only ever used three of them for clothes. The other four are full of random crap. So I cleaned out three of those drawers, put my oversized shirts (VBS shirts, community events, etc.) into one drawer, my "nice" shirts into another, my sweatpants and shorts into yet another, and my jeans into one more drawer. The final two drawers I organized into my underwear/sock drawer and my tanktop/bra drawer. (Sorry for any guys reading this.) It didn't take quite as long as I thought, but it still took around two and a half hours, total. (I took breaks in-between. Hopped from one mess to the other.)
Mid-drawer organization.
After I'd finished with my clothes (I had everything put away into its respective drawer, and had taken out all the stuff that was too small/too big/didn't fit right), I went downstairs to have some lunch. I like food, and today I had a corn dog. Then I went back upstairs, and decided to tackle my bathroom, as a change of pace.

I swept first, and then got down and scrubbed the bathtub and toilet and organized my little hamper-thing. Then I turned my attention to my sink.
The iPad's just there for my music.
It's like an explosion happened. I clean it about once every two weeks, but it ALWAYS ends up looking like this again. This time, I'm going to take special care to keep it nice and clean. After about ten minutes, it looked like this:
Everything's nicely organized.
I hope I can keep it looking like this for more than just a few days. It shouldn't be too hard, because I got rid of a lot of unnecessary things that were just clogging up sink space.

Then I returned to my room.
Getting there...
I still had to pick up all the stuff on my floor, and then clean off my bed so that I could put my sheets back on. It was a challenge, but I finally managed to do it. I vacuumed and then pulled the chair out so that I could do my curtains. (I got about two whole cats' worth of fur off those curtains o.o And it was so hot. The sun was coming straight in the window, and the vacuum was overheating from all the fur.) Thankfully, my mother helped me with my curtains.

I started cleaning at 10:30 or so this morning. I finally finished at 4:37 this afternoon. That's six (not-so-solid) hours of cleaning right there. I'm exhausted. I haven't even taken a shower or put on different clothes yet. I may skip the shower and just put on different pajamas. It's a bit too late in the day to even think about looking nice -.- Not like my family's going to care, anyways.
Isn't it gorgeous?

My bathroom's clean, too!
Now all I have to do is wait for my rugs to come out of the washing machine, so I can put them back on my bathroom floor. It's been a long day. I think I'm going to go find myself something chocolate! 

This was probably a very boring post for most of you, but I wanted to share my accomplishment! I'm amazed I was able to get everything done, and while my dresser's not quite as clean as I'd like it to be, and I've got some stuff at the foot of my bed that I need to tidy up as well (it's not pictured here at all, because it's like a mini-disaster area itself), I'm counting this resolution as D.O.N.E. Now I can sit back and relax a little bit.

I just hope I'm able to keep it this clean for a long, long time. I hate cleaning, so if I'm able to keep it looking nice, I shouldn't have to clean big-time for a while yet.

Have a great day, y'all! (Or what's left of it, anyways!)

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