Monday, June 24, 2013


I guess it's time for me to do a rambling, nonsensical post, about anything and everything that crosses my mind. If you're not up for rambling, or if you're looking for something that's actually entertaining, why not check this page out? I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Otherwise, please read on.


I look at my blog way too many times a day, and I'm constantly attempting to figure out something to do with it. Can I find something to write about? Something to tweak? What can I do?

I've taken it upon myself to find a reliable stat counter, one that won't count my own page views.

I was browsing through Google, and I finally found one. So then I had to figure out how to get an accurate page count. I checked my Stats page on my Blogger account, and took the page count that it gave me, and subtracted all my spam page views. I'd started with 650 page views (or so Blogger said), and ended up with 420 true page views (which is good, I guess, for less than a month of blogging!). Or at least, the other page views weren't logged as SpamBots. So now I have an accurate counter, that should count visitors... Should. I'm going to try it out for a day or so, and then I'm going to check the stats and see how things all even out. If everything goes as planned, I should have an accurate, non-spambot visitor count :) Can't wait for that.


I'm working a lot this week, mostly six-hour shifts (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday). Two of those days (Tuesday and Thursday) will be spent outside at Jumpies. I. Hate. Jumpies. It's ridiculously hot and just horrendous. Half the time the Jumpies have to be taken down because they get overheated and they can cause burns. Thankfully, Thursday's supposed to be full of thunderstorms, so hopefully it'll rain and I'll just be rescheduled as a Utility. I can handle Utility. I can do Utility all day long. 


Today's the first day of our VBS. It's "Kingdom Rock," and I'm still not sure if I'm going to be able to get a t-shirt or not :( Mom didn't sign us up for VBS, because she assumed that somebody else had signed her up. (What?!) 

I really like this year's shirts; they're simple, and they're a beautiful red color. I really, really hope that that I'm able to get a shirt tomorrow morning. I'll only be able to get one if there are extras... Sigh. I want to be able to get a shirt! I'd look good in this shirt.


I get to go and pick up my dulcimer today! I can't wait to get it back home and try it out :) It's probably going to take the guy a little bit of time to teach me how to tune it, but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out how to do it. I mean, I even bought a tuning wrench from this guy, and Sarah's got a tuner that I can use whenever I have to tune it. (And when I go to Montevallo, if I want to take my dulcimer with me, I'll have to buy my own tuner.)


I've got 23,000 words written in my novel so far, but still not a single title idea. (I mean, I have The Thief Lord, but that's a rather ridiculous title.)

I think I'm starting to ramble in my story, though. I may have to scratch out the last 2,000 words or so and restart those scenes. I think I need to get it out on paper, and then type it up. Just typing it into the computer makes it seem like it's not real. I can't look at it and say, "Well, that's crap!" I have to have it in front of me.


Y'all really should follow me on Instagram. Now that Instagram has that cool video-recording thing, you can actually see my kitties move and play and just be adorable :) Also, I take great pictures of cats. And I take great pictures in general. You really should follow me. I'll follow back, too! :)


I'm hoping that my free t-shirt from mental_floss turns up soon :) I want to put that thing on and parade around town! (Plus, the design I picked out will certainly turn my parents' heads, and I think that's going to be my favorite part of this.)


I'm going to order a KHAAAAAAN!! shirt next week! After I get my paycheck, that is :) Since I've had to shell out $109 for my dulcimer repair (my mom paid half), I don't quite have the funds that I would like in order to get it next week. But I'll certainly have enough after next week's paycheck! And I'm going to pay with my new credit card. 


Have I mentioned that I got a credit card? It's one specifically directed towards college students, called the Discover It card. I get 1% cash back on every purchase, and 5% cash back on selected purchases each quarter. For the July-September time frame, I get 5% cash back on all fuel purchases. That's really going to help, considering that we'll be buying gas a lot :) 

I've only used my card to buy one thing: an external hard drive from Best Buy a few weeks ago. (It works wonderfully, by the way.) 

My card design is a cassette tape. It looks really cool in my wallet. (Is it bad that I'm excited about this card? But I know how to be smart with it: I'm only using it for select things, and I'm paying the balance the moment it shows up in my account. I'm not an idiot. I know I can get into huge trouble with this card if I'm not careful.)


So, that's what's on my mind right now. Did I bore you? Did I entertain you? Or are you even still breathing? *waves hand in front of monitor*

Come back tomorrow for a short story I've written! :) It's a piece of flash fiction, meaning it has to be under 1,000 words! (I made it 998!) It was for a challenge I found online at one of the sites I've discovered recently. (It's the terrible minds link on the sidebar!) I hope y'all enjoy it, because I enjoyed writing it!

For now, enjoy this picture of me in a Captain American shirt!

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